The Early Days of Women Doctors
Comments (2)Can you guess the likelihood of a woman becoming a doctor in the days of corsets and Merry Widow hats?
Can you guess the likelihood of a woman becoming a doctor in the days of corsets and Merry Widow hats?
Hats were the ultimate fashion statement for women of the Edwardian era, though often to the detriment of our innocent feathered friends!
Who was the iconic Gibson Girl, making her debut at the turn of the nineteenth century, and what was her significance to Edwardian times? According to her creator, artist Charles Dana Gibson (1867-1944), the Gibson Girl was not any one individual but, rather, a composite of the all-American girl/woman.
We may think of the promotion of skin care as a modern phenomenon, but advertisements for skin products abounded in the Edwardian era, the period in which my novel, The Beauty Doctor, takes place. This ad from 1905 is just one example.
The heroines of the novel Sisters of Castle Leod appearing now on The Mackenzie Initiative,
THE BEAUTY DOCTOR: A NOVEL is a bone-chilling historical mystery-suspense-thriller set in the Edwardian era and inspired by the true history of cosmetic surgery.
Insights into the writing of a historical novel, featured now on the Mackenzie Clan Podcast.
View the official book trailer for the new historical fiction release, SISTERS OF CASTLE LEOD. Historical Novel Society EDITORS’ CHOICE (Feb. 2023). A haunting and emotionally charged story of two sisters torn apart by jealousy and superstition, and the impossible leap of faith that could finally bring them together.
I love books that transport me to another time and place. Even better if they allow me to travel with the characters to a variety of places, some familiar and some not.
While many castles are rumored to be haunted, seldom these days does one have the opportunity for confirmation of a ghostly presence from someone who has experienced it himself.