Elizabeth Hutchison Bernard Author of Award-Winning Historical Fiction




This image is the original cover for the sheet music of the 1909 ragtime hit “Temptation Rag.” I’ve been asked why I selected the name of this piece as the title for my book TEMPTATION RAG: A NOVEL.

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Unbelievable Recording from 1912


Mike Bernard, a leading character in my new book, TEMPTATION RAG: A Novel, was one of the most famous musicians of the ragtime era. I hope you’ll enjoy listening to this authentic recording from 1912.

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Authors of a Favorite Era

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As an author of historical fiction, I love to read the work of other contemporary writers of historical novels—particularly those who have set their story in the Victorian or Edwardian eras, which happen to be my favorites. But I have found it perhaps even more enlightening to read the work of writers who actually lived in those eras. There is so much to be learned from the great classic authors whose work never goes out of style!

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